Light Painting

Are you passionate about Photography? Have you ever tried out light painting? If you have seen one of them, you might have wondered, how do they shoot them. Let's First check-out a very simple light painting done by me. What is Light Painting:- Light painting is a technique where the light source is moved while taking long exposure photos. Look at the level of imagination Requirements:- A Light Source -- You can use any light source as per your choice and requirements. It can be either a Torch, Light tube, Mobile phone LED, a Mobile screen with different colors flashing, or any other source. A Camera -- Although most people prefer DSLR cameras for this purpose you can use a mobile phone also provided that it has "Manual Mode" in it. Without manual mode, you cannot shoot a professional-looking light painting. A Camera or Mobile Stand -- It is necessary to keep the camera on a stand or tripod because it may generate useless noise ...